Dream of bagpipes can be both positive or negative. To play the bagpipes is a positive omen it might be advocating you to give consideration to a person who will reward you well. To see bagpipes at a wedding or at a party. (read all at source)
Bagpipe :
A bagpipe is always a good sign if sounded well. (read all at source)
A dream featuring a bagpipe symbolizes your emotions. You may be overcoming an unpleasant experience in your life or you will overcome your stresses in the very near future.
BAIL ... (read all at source)
Dream " B " Bagpipe
The interpretation of the dream "Bagpipe"
English Dream Book... (read all at source)
Bagpipes-to dream of a windbag instrument can symbolize speech that has no value or a speaker without any credibility, Jer. 5:13
Bait-symbolic of a lure or trap, Amos 3:5
Bakery-symbolic of producing spiritual sustenance for others or being in the service of another, Gen. 40:1... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you are dreaming about bagpipe and hear melodious and beautiful music out of that bagpipe it symbolizes satisfaction and happiness. (read all at source)
A musical instrument such as a bagpipe seen in your dream is a sign of good fortune if the music is pleasing to the ear. If the player resembles a tramp and the sound is ugly and grating then will misfortune head your way.
Bail... (read all at source)
bagpipes it might be time to 'pipe down' on that issue; someone is telling you to be quiet and you don't want to; drink plenty of water and speak your mind. Who do you know who is Scottish? (read all at source)
This is not a bad dream, unless the music be harsh and the player in rags.
Baghavad Ghitta... (read all at source)
aulos, bagpipe, bark, basset horn, basset oboe, bassoon, bawl, bellow, bezel, blare, blat, blow, blow a horn, blubber, bombard, boom, bray, breathe, bugle, buzz, cackle, canal, canalize, carillon, carve, chamfer, channel, chant, chase, chink, chirp, chisel, clarinet, clarion, contrabassoon,... (read all at source)
A musical instrument such as a bagpipe seen in your dream is a sign of good fortune if the music is... Continue dream interpretation - Bagpipe"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Bail... (read all at source)
It is usually played by a man in a kilt, so he is a symbol of androgyny and possibly indicating an (unacknowledged) homosexual inclination. (read all at source)
To dream of hearing pleasant music from a bagpipe, signifies good fortune and contentment. But if you dream of hearing unpleasant music from a bagpipe, this is a warning that misfortune will head your way.
Baking/Bakery... (read all at source)
To hear pleasing music from a bagpipe, signifies good fortune and contentment. To hear unpleasing music from a bagpipe, signifies that misfortune will head your way. (read all at source)