Dream interpretation - Baggage
Opinions. Attitudes. Material goods and responsibilities.... Continue dream interpretation - Baggage"continue dream interpretation
Baghavad Ghitta
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Baggage Dreams
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Baggage in a dream represents negative feelings, such as anxiety, stress, depression, frustration or anger, that are weighing you down. (read all at source)
Dreaming of baggage refers to the problems and things that you are carrying on your shoulders and weighing your down. It may also be symbolic of your identity. (read all at source)
Dream "Baggage car"
Esoteric Dream Book
If your dream appeared baggage car or consisting of such cars are a part of, this dream can be interpreted as a hint: you need to give yourself more time. As long as you are preoccupied with other, even too. (read all at source)
Usually houses represent personal baggage or something from your own life's history that's unresolved. A scary or bad house represents something negative that happened to you or that you did (prior to the dream starting) that still affects you strongly. (read all at source)
Dreams will link to any situation or any emotion that we can connect in any way with a symbol. Use the key words below to help you remember key feelings from yesterday. Think also of your general moods and your thoughts about relationships. (read all at source)
Baggage-symbolic of the things people drag with them from previous relationships. Baggage is also symbolic of God forcing someone to move, Ezek. 12:6
Bagpipes-to dream of a windbag instrument can symbolize speech that has no value or a speaker without any credibility, Jer. 5:13... (read all at source)
baggage put down the burden you are carrying; clean out a closet; feeling resentful, like a third wheel to a couple; unpack old feelings and settle down. What extra baggage are you carrying around? (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you are dreaming about baggage it symbolizes how much of the weight you are carrying within yourself. It seems that the dream wants to warn you about carrying too much stuff with yourself. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize oneself.. (read all at source)
- see Dream Dictionary: Bag
- also see Authority Figures in Dream Dictionary: People... (read all at source)
A dream involving baggage implies that you are feeling overwhelmed in some way, especially if the baggage is difficult to carry in the dream. It could indicate that you are currently ..Read more →
BAGPIPE ... (read all at source)
Like the backpack, a bag in a dream can symbolize the 'baggage' you are carrying in your life and in your relationships with others. Notice whether the bag is heavy or light, and whether or not it impedes your movement in the dream. (read all at source)
Opinions. Attitudes. Material goods and responsibilities.
Bakery... (read all at source)
Baggage - Heavy burdens that you unconsciously or consciously carry with you. (read all at source)
To see or carry baggage in your dream, refers to the problems and things that you are carrying on your shoulders and weighing your down. It may also be symbolic of your identity.
Bagpipe... (read all at source)
Bag Baggage
About Dreamhawk
Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)
Karma , baggage
See also: Sanskrit , Eagles , Baby Carriages , Napkin , Vapor Bath
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
To 'carry around baggage' usually means that you have come away from past experiences without moving on to more important matters. You hold on to the past and refuse to let go and allow your life to take its proper course. Cargo in a dream can be closely associated with this topic. (read all at source)
Carrying a lot of baggage, items on your to-do list, responsibilities, etc.—or taking in or taking on a lot of those things. Taking in a lot (of information, for example) and then sorting through it for what you can really use. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Talk of "emotional baggage" has become very common nowadays. This contemporary term has given rise to a new way of experiencing relationships with yourself and with others. Dreams of cumbersome baggage often represent a life that is too cluttered, or one that lacks reasonable emotional boundaries. (read all at source)
Dreams of railway stations, from railways and trains, of farewell and delay of baggage and passengers are especially common. This frequency we can understand from the experience compression to everything related to travel. (read all at source)
Explore the dream in pieces: a) I was in a car that drove off a bridge; b) I was at a train station with a strange man and forgot my baggage; c) There were several children playing in a garden where I walked through a door into strange house. (read all at source)
If you’re carrying the bag, think about the baggage you’re holding on to. Why are you hanging on to it? Did you look into the bag? Are the items in it yours? If you identify them as someone else’s, it may indicate that you’re carrying around someone else’s baggage. (read all at source)
Luggage indicates karma - baggage you are carrying from something in your past. This can be something from as far back as childhood or it could be baggage from a previous relationship or other venture. (read all at source)
"Hauling around" personal baggage or issues
Having or needing help, or being supported or "carried" by someone or something
Movement of people or things from one place to another, or forward through time in their life processes
Bulk, mass, or the idea of many or abundance... (read all at source)
Luggage or suitcases can represent emotional baggage.
If you dream that luggage has been left on a platform, you wish to enter a new phase in your life.
Packed bags represent endings or death. If you are unwilling to let go of your bags, you are afraid of growing old and dying. (read all at source)
To notice or carry a knapsack in your dream represents your ambitions, wishes, and kept secrets. It also symbolizes the emotional baggage and obligations that you are bearing and concerns that are weighing you down. (read all at source)
You may need to get rid of emotional and psychological baggage. It is difficult to be carefree and happy when old issues keep bringing you down. The bathroom is a good dream symbol. Consider all of the details in your dream. (read all at source)
The octopus can detach a limb at will to serve as a distraction against would-be predators. From a totem perspective we could translate this to mean that we ourselves have the ability to cut loose excess baggage in our lives in order to achieve our desire. (read all at source)
Other symbols in the dream can reveal what that message concerns. Hawk can also indicate an important opportunity coming your way. If the hawk seems forbidding, however, this is a warning to take care of your emotional baggage before seizing whatever new opportunity comes your way. (read all at source)