Badger dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a badger, is a sign of luck after battles with hardships.
To dream of a badger, foretells you will gain fortune after struggling with hardships.
Bats... (read all at source)
In general:
Badger lives and digs painfully blind under the ground, some dream books understand him as an indication of an existence that is full of sweat and struggle, but low in success and happiness because they offered an opportunity not be seen,... (read all at source)
Badger Symbolism
According to Native Americans, the sighting of badger tracks was very auspicious. Seeing badger tracks was a message that all things are possible when we tap into our inner creative powers. (read all at source)
badger dream symbol
Tenacity, perseverance, the ability to dig and keep digging until you get to the bottom of things (or to the truth). Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
Tenacity, perseverance, the ability to dig and keep digging until you get to the bottom of things (or to the truth). Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
A badger's nest is indicative of stubbornness and a natural resistance to change. Change may not necessarily be a good thing, but it may not necessarily bad either. Change however is something you cannot prevent. It is, in fact, the only truly permanent thing in the universe. (read all at source)
A badger represents the elimination system for two reasons. The first is the black and white color combination which indicates the colon. The second is that the badger is a carnivore that digs into earth to find prey. As a result a badger can indicate a health warning with the colon. (read all at source)
Dream "Badger"
Dream Interpretation Miller
Dreamed badger promises a successful outcome of the struggle with the fate that you were a very long time. (read all at source)
Badger :
A badger symbolize that you will get what you desire, if you work enough for it. (read all at source)
A badger is a fierce little animal and to see this fellow in a dream will show that you have put up quite a fight and won out over your opponents. An injured Badger tells you to fight another day.
Bagpipe ... (read all at source)
To see a badger in your dream could have two meanings. First, this dream may symbolize your persistence and final victory over your opponents. Second, it can also mean you are "badgering" and aggravating others.
Badminton... (read all at source)
Badger (animal) symbolic of pestering or bothering some�one
Bag-symbolic of a journey, Isa. 10:28. The contents of the bag will give you more insight into the interpretation of the symbol... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
When you dream of a badger it shows of an upcoming accomplishment you will win over your rivals. The other meaning of this dream could also be the wordplay on irritating those around you.. (read all at source)
To see a badger in your dream, signifies your persistence and final victory over your opponents. The dream may also be a pun on badgering and aggravating others. (read all at source)
If you dream of a badger, think about the qualities you associate with this animal. In nature a badger is a resourceful creature whose adaptability helps it to survive. (read all at source)
A dream with a badger suggests that good things are around the corner for you after a time of trouble.
BAG ... (read all at source)
A badger in the biblical era was used for it's skin. It's hide was used to make the tent for the tabernacle in the wilderness as well as the covering within the tabernacle. It speaks of wealth and prosperity. (read all at source)
Badger - Trying to pursuade oneself of something by constant reminders. Unconscious contents needing to be made conscious. Until they are the unconscious will 'badger' you through dreams.
Badminton - Playing games. Carefree existence. (read all at source)
alpaca, ammonite, Angora goat, animalian, animalic, animalistic, ankylosaur, anteater, antelope, antelope chipmunk, anthropophagite, anthropophagous, aoudad, apar, aphrodisiomaniacal, archaeohippus, archaeotherium, archelon, Arctic fox, armadillo, arthrodiran, ass, atrocious, aurochs, badger,... (read all at source)
When I took a closer look, I found the porcupine was coloured like a badger, and could talk. After conversing with the badger-porcupine, I went over to an aisle of fish tanks (I have two fish in real life). (read all at source)
Try to think what the Jack Russell reminds you of. Has someone been annoying you never letting you settle? Have you been badgering someone - picking on their every fault?
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
A badger can signify that you feel that other people are badgering you and that you need to get away. It can also be a warning that you have been badgering someone else too much.
A bag or handbag often symbolizes the womb. See Womb... (read all at source)