Background - a dream, call the means to do reality problem organizing an important event. If you just can not dial "09", in reality, you will find yourself in trouble, but if in the end you can do it with a phone drive, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. (read all at source)
I had a dream last night that is sort of strange and may actually require some background explanation. I had a very brief liason with a man whom I regrettably left to go back to an ex that I never should have been with in the first place. (read all at source)
For instance, a "background check" dream could link to the words "just in case" (which is one of the key words and phrases below) and the dream capture a thought like "I do trust him - but I would like to know about his ex girlfriend - just in case" That phrase is one of many translations of this... (read all at source)
azimuth, background, clear sight, color vision, command, compass, cone vision, day vision, daylight vision, discernment, domination, eye, eye-mindedness, eyereach, eyeshot, eyesight, false horizon, farsight, farsightedness, field of view, field of vision, keen sight, ken, limit of vision, limits,... (read all at source)
For more background on these fascinating ilk of Celts, I invite you to read my post about their namesake, the goddess Danu here.
The Celtic Goddess and Gods (Main Page)
Celtic Knot Meaning (non-specific)... (read all at source)
Okay, so background would probably be needed for this story. I moved in with my bestfriend and her two kids recently. I brought my cat ninja, and a kitten. We named her baby. Well after a very traumatizing event we had to bury Baby. (read all at source)
field large background for your work; time for harvesting; someone 'playing the field'; check out your field of vision; changing your field of work. Who is 'outstanding in their field'? (read all at source)
First, in general, a black background. Upon this black background occasionally brilliant points which come and go, rising and descending, slowly and sedately. (read all at source)
Suppose you had come from a different ethnic background? Would this have changed your view of the world or yourself? And what if either or both of your parents had died when you were a baby and you were raised by a single parent or foster parents? (read all at source)
If everyone had their own personal background music, interpersonal relationships would be a lot easier. If you didn't like someone's music, you would know to avoid them. If a love song was playing, you would know what to do; heavy metal likewise. It is not unusual to have background music in dreams. (read all at source)
The things we take for granted which act as the supportive background to our life and activities, such as parental love, our own reality as a person, social order, the thousands of things which constitute 'reality' for us; the basic 'taken for granted' aspects of one's nature. (read all at source)
Depending on the details in the dream and its emotional background, dreaming about going shopping may have several different connotations. Generally, if shopping in your dream is not a source of great stress and confusion, it suggests that those things which you need are available to you. (read all at source)
This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures of manifold conformation; long rows sometimes more closely fitted together all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. (read all at source)
I began to collect a certain type of dream - homing in on dreams where dreamers had posted background knowledge. I then chose dreams where something big had happened to the dreamer the day before. (read all at source)
If you have the dream in autumn, then the season has no significance and serves only as background.
1. But if you dream of autumn at another time of year, and other symbols in the dream are hurried, this is a signal that time is passing and something in your life needs immediate attention.
2. (read all at source)
In my family and in a lot of other ethnic backgrounds, people believe that when you dream of fish, someone's pregnant. do you agree? Does my mother throwing it at me mean it's someone close to us? if you can, please let me know. this has been buggin me! thank you so much!!... (read all at source)
I was taken to the most beautiful valley with a stream running through it and mountains were in the background. There were approximately 5 angels that sat on the ground beside me. Then one of the angels who had taken a seat on the ground beside me to my left, began to speak to me peaceably. (read all at source)
Snakes or serpents are rich dream symbols with a plethora of meanings that vary depending on what's happening in your life, your feelings, cultural background and much more. (read all at source)
Sometimes hearing a radio is a representation of ‘ambient noise’ or the idea that something is simply playing in the background. If there is a message that becomes loud and clear on the radio, it can offer symbolism as to what you are missing because of your daily routine.
Railroad... (read all at source)
Whether it's colors, numbers, letters or other abstract imagery, there are many ways in which your dreams give you subtle messages. Learn more about these background signals!
Color Symbols in Dreams
Number Symbols in Dreams
Shape Symbols in Dreams... (read all at source)
Often the cause is being conditioned at a young age to view sex as dirty. This comes mainly from a religious background where a woman who had a child was considered unclean until purified by the church. This can lead to viewing any part of your body that distinguishes gender as unclean or dirty. (read all at source)
To determine what the animal in your dream means, you may also want to consider your ethnic background. For example, in early Roman times the owl was a symbol for healer, yet in Eastern cultures it was a symbol for predator. (read all at source)
Because polar bears are white, they blend in completely with their background and hunt from under the cover of this camouflage. Think about where in your life or relationships you are hiding or camouflaging your true feelings. Like other bears, polar bears are creatures of great beauty and strength. (read all at source)
the dream keeps repeating till i turn the right way and i find her again. (also dont no why but jason derulo solo is playing in the background but i dont actually like the song) we then stop and she just looks at me for a few seconds and then i wake up ??? (read all at source)
It is the primordial sound at the creation of the universe—the "seed" symbol in Buddhism and a symbol of God in Sikh theology. It is the transcendental state of the undifferentiated "I"—the background for all other states of consciousness. (read all at source)
If you dream of accompanying a friend to an audition, you may feel like you are in the "background" in your social or family life. Perhaps this friend has qualities of outgoingness or personality that you wish you had in yourself. (read all at source)