To dream of having arthritis actually means that your problems are very minor and should not be stressed about.
Artichoke... (read all at source)
To dream that you have arthritis, indicates that you are having difficulties in achieving your goals. You are lacking some motivation and/or desire to move forward with your plans. Alternatively, you are feeling helpless to do anything. (read all at source)
arthritis dream symbol
Dreaming you have arthritis when you don't in real life can represent:... (read all at source)
Dreaming you have arthritis when you don't in real life can represent:... (read all at source)
Arthritis Patients Need More ZZZZZ's - Sleeping Problems Often An Overlooked Symptom Of Arthritis
Early Sleep Problems Signal Later Substance Use
Ask the Dream Doctor - Healing Chat Transcript About Womens Dreams
Young Adults and Stress
Sleepers - Walt Whitman (1819-1892)... (read all at source)
To dream of, as you point the finger - relive moments of shame in reality. The ring finger with a wedding ring - to divorce. Snap your fingers - to subjugate the weak. Bend your fingers in a dream and feel like they hurt - to arthritis. (read all at source)
primus, loa loa, loaiasis, lockjaw, lupus, lupus vulgaris, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever, measles, meningitis, miliaria, milzbrand, mumps, ornithosis, osteomyelitis, paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pemphigus, pertussis, pneumonia, polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis... (read all at source)
In a dream, if a sick man or a traveller finds fish in his bed it also connotes bad or a painful sickness or suffering from arthritis, or he may drown because he would be sleeping with them. Seeing sea fish covered with salt in a dream means lasting richness, because fish are preserved in. (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream about an apocalypse linked to the dreamer finding out he suffered from arthritis. This seemed like the end of the world for him - he was distraught to find out he was going to be crippled by such an illness... (read all at source)