Architect dreams by DreamMean
Architects drawing plans in your dreams, denotes a change in your business, which will be likely to result in loss to you.
For a young woman to see an architect, foretells she will meet rebuffs in her aspirations and maneuvers to make a favorable marriage.
architect dream symbol
Designer, or someone capable of designing, planning, or strategizing. Instigator, beginner, origin or source. Authority figure, leader, or a person of power behind an organization or effort. (read all at source)
Work on construction of a new self or a new identity. (read all at source)
Designer, or someone capable of designing, planning, or strategizing. Instigator, beginner, origin or source. Authority figure, leader, or a person of power behind an organization or effort.
Category(s): People... (read all at source)
When you dream of architects or being an architect, it indicates that you might be asked to put your creativity in action in your professional field. (read all at source)
To see architects in your dream represents a new undertaking that you are about to embark on. You will use your insight and inspiration to make this task successful. (read all at source)
The complex architecture was making it confusing and difficult to find the roof. We finally get to the top and were probably like 100 flight of stairs, being high in the sky. (read all at source)
Architect :
An architect symbolizes success. (read all at source)
To dream of seeing or being an architect, suggests that your creativity is about to come in handy in a new project.
Artist... (read all at source)
To see an architect in your dream suggests that your creativity is about to come in handy in a new project or endeavor.
Arctic... (read all at source)
Architect-symbolic of heavenly wisdom, Prov. 8:30
Ark-God’s protection from life’s storms, Gen. 7:1
Ark of the Covenant-symbolic of God’s power, Ex. 25:10... (read all at source)
To see architects in your dream, signifies that you are creativity is being put at work and your are taking on a new project which will require such creativity.
*Please See Building. (read all at source)
Architecttop list
Relates to design and in particular to your physical being, if it is a structure being designed; i.e. (read all at source)
Architect - The creative aspect. Skill and creativity. Planning ahead to achieve an objective.
Argument - Inner conflict - conflict between parts of yourself. Conflict in your life. (read all at source)
Marble in architecture is the premiere ostentatious element. Often, marble is reserved for dwellings of authority and power (government, big business, stately mansions, etc.). (read all at source)
Specific rooms are associated with aspects of the self and its decoration and architecture can portray your emerging ‘style.’ If the architecture seems grand or expansive, the message can be about opening or broadening your outlook. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Elbows, Mule, Moon, Honeysuckle, Ballet, Nuptial, Hunger, Bier, Carrot, Pencil, Rocket, Dew, Autumn, Ottoman, Architect, Talisman, License, Mare, Otter, Molasses, Faithless, Circle, Gleaning, Kidneys, Bracelet, Lazy, Chastise, Madness, Altar, Lovely, Rattle, Eel, Alum,... (read all at source)
A courtyard is a very expensive piece of architecture that very few homes and businesses can brag about. To have a courtyard appear in your dream is unique and out of the ordinary. Your mind is having unusual thoughts about a special or unusual person in your life. (read all at source)
Ptah is kind of like the architect of the universe. And, his methods of building matter are completely fascinating. Apparently, he first dreams the design, and then speaks it into existence. The symbolic and esoteric correlations to this act are far more than this page will allow for elaboration. (read all at source)
In this way, the pyramids were holy places and their architecture and mysticism continues to amaze and to intrigue us. In order to understand its symbolism; consider your current accomplishments and breakthroughs. (read all at source)
Pick up a hammer - just follow the popular wisdom that everyone architect of his own happiness, be able to succeed.
If you see in a dream sports hammer - in reality you will be treated unfairly. (read all at source)
Something caught my attention on the first page: there was the face of Juscelino Kubitschek ( former Brazilian president whose story I admire very much ) and on the background, something that looked like an architectonic project the project of Brasilia!... (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Engineer) An architect in a dream represents both urban develop- ments and urban destruction. He represents joining what is fragmented and breaking up what is whole. Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies trials, evil, calamities and disunity. (read all at source)