Appendix dream meaning

abdomen, anus, appendix, backbone, being, bite, bitingness, blind gut, bones, bosom, bottom, bowels, brain, breast, briskness, cecum, census, chutzpah, colon, composition, constituents, content, contents, courage, cuttingness, decisiveness, divisions, drive, duodenum, effectiveness, elements,... (read all at source)

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The mandala design of the DreamQuest cards (See Appendix) appeared in a dream. The outer circle contains lotus petals symbolizing the divine within, with feathers in between symbolizing courage. The next circle comprises twelve block prints inspired by earlier dreams. (read all at source)

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Experienced pain in your abdomen, this can mean that you have an appendix! please get yourself checked out as soon as possible, if you still have pain when you wake up.
Seen yourself belly dancing.
Touched or seeing your abdomen.
Been a male or female pregnant. (read all at source)

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