Dreaming of an answering machine is an indication that you might be ingoring an important message that must get to you in a way or another. It can be a conscious choice you have made but it also can stem from difficulties you are having understanding a situation, a concept or recent changes. (read all at source)
Answering Machine
To see an answering machine in your dream implies that you should be paying attention to the words or actions of someone else. It is possible that you do not fully grasp the meaning of a situation or you do not comprehend what someone is trying to explain... (read all at source)
DREAM DICTIONARY - Answering machine :
Look through the list of keywords and phrases and see if these feature in any key emotions right now. (read all at source)
Answering Machine
To dream of receiving a message on an answering machine, suggests that changes will take place in your social life. To dream of leaving a message on an answering machine, means that you will be placed in an unpleasant situation.
Ant... (read all at source)
Answering machine-symbolic of collecting messages you need to hear
Antarctica-symbolic of isolation and remoteness
Anteater-symbolic of something that destroys what others have worked hard to build... (read all at source)
Answering Machine / Voice Mail
To see an answering machine in your dream, suggests that you are not listening to a message that someone around you is trying to convey. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties and frustration in understanding some idea or viewpoint. (read all at source)
Answering Machine - Ingoring an important message that must get to you in a way or another. A need to pay more attention to your unconscious. (read all at source)