Dream "Alder"
Gypsy Dream Book
This tree - a symbol of good fortune and future changes. D. Wood also. (read all at source)
Alderamin dream interpretations
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Complete meanings of dream's symbols... (read all at source)
March, as already observed, is a potentially raucous month - filled with transition as the land pries itself from the "death" grip of Winter. Alder is a protective tree in a time of deep transition. (read all at source)
Alder top list
Alder trees bring good luck, good news and much happiness to the dreamer. (read all at source)
A dream of an alder can have many different meanings, depending upon the circumstances of the dreamer. The alder tree has been an important symbol since ancient times. The Druids believed it was a sacred tree. (read all at source)
Ashley Alderson says:
my dream started off jumping up and down on the top bunk of the bed.. I looked up and seen what looked like a portal or black hole..Grabbed my mom's hand and told her let's go.. I was sliding on saturn's rings and visiting each planet.. (read all at source)
alderman, arbiter, arbitrator, archon, bailie, beak, bencher, burghermaster, burgomaster, cabinet member, cabinet minister, chancellor, chief executive, chief executive officer, city councilman, city father, city manager, commissar, commissioner, councillor, councilman, councilwoman,... (read all at source)
An alder tree seen in a dream is an omen of happiness for those with high ideals.... Continue dream interpretation - Alder"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Ale... (read all at source)