Afloattop list
The meaning of this dream depends on its aspect. If the water was calm and clear, a happy event is in view; if the water was rough or murky, you will be called on to cope with some difficulties not of your own making. (read all at source)
To be afloat, we need to learn.
Dream in other languages: (read all at source)
a la mode, absorption current, AC, accepted, accessible, accidental, accompanying, accustomed, active current, actual, ado, advance, advised, affirmed, affluence, afflux, affluxion, afloat, afoot, aim, air current, all the rage, all the thing, alternating current, angular motion, announced, as is,... (read all at source)
If you are floating in your dream then this indicates a fantastic symbol of success and prosperity - if you did not have any trouble staying afloat. If you are a woman then you may need to be careful with whom you talk to as gossip or slander is likely. (read all at source)
Is it a speedboat fully powered and taking to the sea with ease, or is it a leaking tub that takes a lot of hard work to keep afloat? This could indicate how you feel about your ability to stay afloat in life. (read all at source)
It is about how you are trying to stay afloat, but having a problem. I think the dream may be a warning that you may be about to put trust in someone (woman most likely) that has intentions of helping you, but really will not and you will 'drown in emotion". (read all at source)
The means by which you move forward in your life, and your movement along your life path—possibly with a sense of "surviving" or "staying afloat" somehow in your life.
Seeing a raft in the distance can mean you're looking to the future, or expecting or desiring change. (read all at source)
Raft A flimsy philosophy, or inadequate motives or ideas, with which we hope to deal with life. A relationship that might be drifting without purpose, or afloat on flimsy principles. Or in some dreams a lifesaving […] More
Ragged Without neatly defined morals, philosophy, etc. More... (read all at source)
To see cork in your dream, represents your versatility and adaptability in different situations. You have the ability to stay afloat in times of turmoil. and rise above your circumstances.
*Please See Loon.
Corn... (read all at source)
When I live and write music at my own pace, I get more done and retain my creative centre. I am already thinking about my next album. My dream continues to help by reminding me that it is not the fast pedaling that keeps me afloat; it is to sing my song from that authentic creative landscape within. (read all at source)
How we stayed afloat with roller skates on while we were all holding hands, I have no clue. Then I remembered that I had left my mom and nan-nan down on the beach and that they must have surely drowned by now. I let my head go underwater. I wanted to die. Allie squeezed my hand. (read all at source)
Example dream : Fighting to keep afloat in a kayak was symbolic of the dreamers constant battles with her father. On an emotional level she was coping with a difficult relationship.
2. Ancient times... (read all at source)