A dream that you admire someone or that someone admires you can represent a wish to be admired in waking life. It can also mean that you are confident that your friends like and respect you, or you are confident that your partner loves you.
Admire ... (read all at source)
Admiration for the thigh in your dreams signifies that you feel satisfied and pleased with your performance and the stamina you have shown while doing the work in a real life situation. (read all at source)
To dream about a hero, represents your admiration of a their physical traits, bravery and other virtues. Maybe you wish you could be more heroic in your own life. If you were a hero in your dream, this signifies your inner strength and weaknesses. (read all at source)
A man who dreams of receiving admiration is in danger of illness and degradation. A single woman having this dream is... Continue dream interpretation - Admiration"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Admire... (read all at source)
Your admiration of a particular celebrity may lead to a desire to have some of their physical or personality traits. To dream that you are an actor denotes that your hard work and labor will be well worth it in the end. Also see Celebrity. (read all at source)
the object of much admiration, but none will seek her for a wife.
If she sees her lover waltzing with a rival, she will overcome
obstacles to her desires with strategy. If she waltzes with
a woman, she will be loved for her virtues and winning ways. (read all at source)
To dream that you are an object of admiration, denotes that you will retain the love of former associates, though your position will take you above their circle.
See also related symbols: Hips, Beard, Walking Stick, Thigh, Hand, Neck, Pears, Yew Tree, Teeth... (read all at source)
To dream that you are an object of admiration, denotes that you will retain the love of former associates, though your position will take you above their circle. (read all at source)
If you hear the voice of God, you will make a noble effort to rise higher in unselfish and honorable principles, and will justly hold the admiration of high-minded people. For a mother to hear the voice of her child, is a sign of approaching misery, perplexity and grievous doubts. (read all at source)
Admiration - Seeking or needing appreciation, self-esteem, approval. Too much energy placed on idealism, glorification.
Adolescent - 'Adolescent' judgement and not mature thinking. Confusion over rapid changes in your life; acting childish in your waking life. (read all at source)
(Excessive admiration or adulation of someone in a dream.) Ingratiating oneself to someone for worldly profits, or to gain access to knowledge, or to find a job to help him better apply his religious obligations in a dream means honor,... (read all at source)
combs (made of fish bones) - this is an ancient nautical symbol of power over nature as sailors believed fish bones could divine or control storms at sea. They are also shown holding mirrors in art - a symbol of the moon which speaks of a reflective nature (maybe symbolic of self-admiration too). (read all at source)
If it’s another country’s flag, do you feel like burning it, or are you full of admiration? If it’s the latter, then it may indicate a desire to travel to that country, or to be more like its people. (read all at source)
To see a camellia in your dream indicates admiration, desire, passion, perfection and refinement. If you see a white camellia, then it indicates perfection and love. If you see a pink camellia, then it means that you are longing for someone in your life.
Carnation ... (read all at source)
To be engaged symbolize a lack of admiration from others. To end an engagement means that you should not take a hasty decision.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)
In a dream a rose is symbolic of love and admiration. If there is a bouquet the colour and number are significant. A single rose infers a desire for someone or something. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to all details of the dream.
Round Table... (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream of a nice, ready-made shirt-waist, denotes that she will win admiration through her ingenuity and pleasing manners.
(read all at source)
Royalty. Noble aspect of self. Self admiration and satisfaction.
Punishment. Lack of freedom. Confinement. Ask yourself what have you done wrong and need to correct. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you're a judge on the show can mean you're seeking respect or admiration from others, or you're feeling a lack of those things right now.
See also: singing perform playing music
Category(s): Events... (read all at source)
For a young woman to think her lover is lazy, foretells she will have bad luck in securing admiration. Her actions will discourage men who mean marriage.
To dream of lead, foretells poor success in any engagement. (read all at source)
- "beautiful girl" (think of anything associated with a beautiful girl such as attraction, jealousy,tempation or admiration)
- "good"(we associate beautiful with good and ugly with bad)
- "beautiful people" "perfect world and perfect people"... (read all at source)
To dream that you receive or give a floral bouquet, signifies respect, affection, approval, graciousness, admiration, and love. It is indicative of some healing energy.
To bow in your dream, represents respect. You are acknowledging a greater and larger power. (read all at source)
The "good old days" seem to conjure images of heroism, nobility, morality, and social life that, while not altogether accurate, draw our admiration. (read all at source)
For a lover to dream that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others' admiration. (read all at source)
To dream of feeling lazy, or acting so, could denote you will make a mistake in the formation of enterprises, and will suffer keen disappointment.
For a young woman to think her lover is lazy, foretells she will have bad luck in securing admiration. Her actions will discourage men who mean marriage. (read all at source)
To see or wear a corsage in your dream indicates that you possess a certain quality or attribute but have not yet been able to reveal it. You need to concentrate on developing this quality or skill. The corsage may also represent respect and admiration. (read all at source)
She does really weird things but for some reason when everyone else makes fun of her, you have sympathy for her.
Just watch yourself tho with this one, sometimes admiration could turn to obsession. Don't encourage her.
I hope this helps you
Love and Light
Gypsy... (read all at source)
For a woman to dream that she wears a fine new hat, denotes the attainment of wealth, and she will be the object of much admiration. For the wind to blow your hat off, denotes sudden changes in affairs, and somewhat for the worse. (read all at source)
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration." (KJV)... (read all at source)
Quick and Clear: Most popular explanation, which consists of most common meanings and interpretations about admiration in dreams If you dream of admiring someone, this is a sign that you have to take magnificent characteristics the admired person has and incorporate it into yourself. (read all at source)
If someone is admiring you in the dream, it's a sure sign you're feeling good about yourself. If you're admiring someone else in the dream, it signifies your insecurities may be your downfall with your current problem. The other person could have qualities you wish you had. (read all at source)
Admirationtop list
By another of you is good. By you of another is an indication of upcoming disappointments. (read all at source)
admiration, adoration, affection, agape, Amor, amoroso, ardency, ardor, attachment, baby, backfire, bake, balefire, be bright, be in heat, beacon, beacon fire, beam, beau, bedazzle, beloved, blare, blaze, blaze of light, blaze up, blind, blister, bloom, blush, bodily love, boil, bonfire, boyfriend,... (read all at source)
If she unmasks, or sees others doing so, she will fail to gain the admiration sought for. She should demean herself modestly after this dream.
To dream that you see a mason plying his trade, interpret a rise in your circumstances and a more congenial social atmosphere will surround you. (read all at source)
If you dream you rejoice with the extraction, you feel the admiration of others, your work will be rewarded with a vengeance. If you dreamed of as agate jewelry (cufflinks or rings), then the stone is a harbinger of short-term deterioration in health. (read all at source)