Home - Dream - Abortion
The termination of a baby within your dream indicates that you no longer want something in your life. This dream also represents feeling of loneliness, guilt, sensitivity and possibly anxiety. (read all at source)
Dreaming of abortion is not usually literal. Many times, an abortion dream reflects the guilt you feel about doing something you shouldn't. The abortion in the dream is a warning to 'abort' your actions and stop. The dream can indicate fears about a direction you are taking in your life. (read all at source)
To dream that you have an abortion suggests that you are hindering and blocking your own growth. You may be hesitant in pursuing a new direction in your life due to fear, pressure, personal conflict or moral obligation. (read all at source)
Dreams are symbolic in that they are metaphors for current feelings. An abortion dream for instance may simply mean that yesterday you felt very unwanted in some situation or just in general. (read all at source)
A dream about having an abortion suggests that you are in a position to make decisions that will free you from something that is no longer needed or that you ..Read more →
ABROAD ... (read all at source)
abortion dream symbol
Rejecting your inner child, your playfulness or creativity, or your belief in yourself. The idea of taking control of the future (especially to avoid or manipulate), or trying to control fate. (read all at source)
Abortion - A blockage or aborting new directions or opportunities in your life. Expulsion or extraction of certain aspects about yourself.
Above - The intellect, thinking aspect. Maybe you need to lift your sights, embrace a new goal. New attitudes, tap into your 'higher' creative self. (read all at source)
Dreaming of abortion is very symbolic. It can represent a need to refuse a problematic feeling, emotion, belief, or concept. It can also imply we have taken a venture that has not panned out and thus we need to return to how we once were. (read all at source)
Rejecting your inner child, your playfulness or creativity, or your belief in yourself. The idea of taking control of the future (especially to avoid or manipulate), or trying to control fate. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism E. Mis
If you dream of having an abortion, it represents your own insecurities of suspending and halting your increasement as individual. This also means that you are insecure and weak while moving forward in your life. (read all at source)
To dream of aborting or stopping some type of procedure or mission shows your inability to make some type of change. If it involves a baby, then there is a sense that a new or emerging identity is being abandoned. (read all at source)
abortion, abysmal, amplitudinous, ape-man, Argus, astronomic, astronomical, Atlantean, awesome, baboon, bag, beast, beldam, berserk, berserker, blemish, blot, bogey, bogeyman, bomber, boundless, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, brute, bugaboo, bugbear, bulky, centaur, Cerberus, Charybdis, chimera,... (read all at source)
abortion: The loss of something new or something that has died, such as a relationship.
abyss: Great depth, profound, infinite. If you fear it or are about to fall into it, it might be the fear of losing control or failure or death. (read all at source)
Abortion may symbolize the loss of a new building, which was to appear in your life. Perhaps you have matured a project or an idea that you were not able to bring to life either because of the conscious decision that you have taken, or not depending on your reasons. (read all at source)
Abortion :
If a man dreams about this, it can symbolize failure. If a woman dreams about an abortion, this can mean there is something wrong with her health. She can also become unhappy if she lets herself lead astray to do something she does not desire. (read all at source)
Abortion-an abortion may symbolize the pre-mature death of a new thing in your life or the actual act of aborting an unborn child
Acid-a symbol of destructive words that burn long after they have been spoken, Prov. 16:27 NLT... (read all at source)
For a woman to dream of an abortion, foretells that she is contemplating such a decision. Or she may have gone through an abortion and have had dreams about it. (read all at source)
Abortion- When you dream of having abortion at the hospital or at home it is a sign that the devil is attacking your greatness, your power, your spiritual strength and the vision the Lord has given to you. (read all at source)
A dream about abortion is a warning to look after your health. It may also indicate that you are feeling significant anxiety about a current situation.
Abuse... (read all at source)
If you dream about an abortion while you are pregnant in waking life, your dream may be reflecting concerns or fears that you have about your pregnancy. (read all at source)
About Dreamhawk
Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)
Also i thought about abortion in the dream but then stopped thinking about it. It's been bothering me.
something that may had triggerd the dream because it was that same night. (read all at source)
To a man a dream containing abortion indicates failure in his kind endeavor. For a woman it is very clearly a... Continue dream interpretation - Abortion"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Above... (read all at source)
The front door of a house represents your vagina - the front door to the body by which someone can exit. The hallway, being just behind the front door, represents the womb. For example, being chased down a hallway by a woman with a scissors indicates your mother considered abortion while... (read all at source)
Abortion Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
The most common reasons for someone wishing to abort a child are because the pregnancy is not wanted or that the person feels they will not be able to cope with having a child for various reasons. (read all at source)
For a woman to dream that she assents to abortion means that she is contemplating some enterprise which when carried out shall bring her disgrace and unhappiness.
Abroad... (read all at source)
Abortion. To dream about having an abortion or to dream of witnessing one means that you are at odds over a particular situation. Part of you wants to abandon or "abort" something in particular while another part of you knows that doing so could be the biggest mistake you ever made. (read all at source)
Abortiontop list
A woman that had this experience is most likely to have many dreams about it. Even though the dream may be disturbing or anxiety-provoking, it is a healing dream. It is possible that in your dream state you are working toward acceptance and are resolving any unconscious feelings. (read all at source)
Loss of the new. Failure to nurture. Happiness in the family.
Above... (read all at source)
Ngiziphuphe ngiyokhipha isisu abt a week ago and after the abortion I died in the dream.This week I've been having a number of dreams I dnt understand. (read all at source)
For a woman to dream that she assents to abortion being committed on her, is a warning that she is contemplating some enterprise which if carried out will steep her in disgrace and unhappiness.
For a doctor to dream that he is a party to an abortion, foretells that his practice will suffer from his inattention to duty, which will cause much trouble. (read all at source)