Abbey dreams by DreamMean
To see an abbey in ruins, foretells that your hopes and schemes will fall into ignoble incompletion.
To dream that a priest bars your entrance into an abbey, denotes that you will be saved from a ruinous state by enemies mistaking your embarrassment for progress.
For a young woman to get into an abbey, foretells her violent illness. If she converses with a priest in an abbey, she will incur the censure of true friends for indiscretion.
A dream in which an abbey is depicted reveals your overall state of happiness and complacency. It represents the spiritual, serenity, freedom from stress and worries and the certainty of assistance. (read all at source)
Abbey Dream Meaning Psychological:
A spiritual aspect to your life is about to unfold. Buildings in dreams usually represent the dreamer, the body or the various levels of the mind. The Abbey is a holy place, ancient and free of pomp. It symbolises the true you- your spiritual self. (read all at source)
This can depict religious feelings, or the inner place of quiet. That is, those areas of feelings and thoughts that are quiet, strengthening, and inclined to consideration of the meaning of life. (read all at source)
Being in an abbey or abbey-like place might mean you are examining the spiritual or religious aspects of your life, or considering the importance of a spiritual connection. (read all at source)
Being in an abbey or abbey-like place might mean you are examining the spiritual or religious aspects of your life, or considering the importance of a spiritual connection. (read all at source)
To dream of an abbey or a religious building has many meanings depending on the context of your dream. Many people dream of an abbey in relation to seeing a wedding, funeral or religious service taking place in the abbey. Any dream connected to religion takes on more significance than any other. (read all at source)
To dream that a priest bars your entrance into an abbey, denotes that you will be saved from a ruinous state by enemies mistaking your embarrassment for progress.
Abbey... (read all at source)
Dream "Abbey"
Gypsy Dream Book
Sanctuary, a temporary safety. If you dream that you are in the Abbey, it means that you are safe and you should not worry, though, this security may be temporary. Go to the abbey suddenly - you get help. (read all at source)
KEY WORDS : Commitment, belief, morals
DREAM STUDIES... (read all at source)
The meaning of a dream about an abbey will depend upon your feelings about religion. If you have had positive religious experiences, then an abbey in a dream can symbolize a desire to be free of worry and a need for calmness. (read all at source)
To see an abbey in your dream, signifies spirituality, peace of mind and freedom from anxiety. You are in a state of contentment and satisfaction. Help for you is always around the corner. (read all at source)
Abbey/ Monasterytop list
If you saw this structure clearly and in daylight, it is generally a good omen. Peace of mind and freedom from anxiety will soon be yours. If seen in gloom or at night, it predicts sadness of a temporary nature. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Abbey
Looking upon this type of structure clearly and in broad daylight, generally you can consider this a good omen. Being a... Continue dream interpretation - Abbey"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Abbot... (read all at source)
Abbey. To see an abbey in your dream indicates inner peace and tranquility. You are at peace with yourself and your situation. (read all at source)
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Abbey Airport Alley Amusement Park Apartment Asylum Bakery Beach Book Store Building Cafeteria Carnival Casino Castle Cemetery Church City Classroom Cliff Corner Court Crossroads Department Store Desert Dock Dungeon Factory Farm Forest Garden Gymnasium Harbor Heaven Hell Hospital Hotel Island Jail... (read all at source)
Abbey Kudos to you for being able to interpret your dreams. Your meeting with a new guy is one way to interpret the dream. Another way to gather some meaning from your dream is to consider "what makes you feel at home, and comforted and is pleasant? (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Abbey, Altar, Convent, Cardinal
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