In general:
The world is the living space in which the human collected his experiences and his everyday activities. A dream of a world beyond the human sphere of influence suggests that dreamer should place its narrow-mindedness of a current situation. (read all at source)
Dreaming that it is the end of the world, suggests that you are under a tremendous level of stress. You may be feeling vulnerable or helpless in some situation. Dreaming that you are saving the world means confidence in your abilities and belief in yourself. (read all at source)
The Earth
The people in the world, or people in general
A particular environment
Your personal world that you tend to interact with regularly: people you know, places you go, etc.
Some other setting of your real or imagined experience... (read all at source)
End of world dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
Internet or world wide web
Communication or connection.
Connecting with people or companies over the internet can mean:... (read all at source)
Dream "Afterworld"
Esoteric Dream Book
Dreams about the afterlife reflect the life of your soul and are inomaterialnym spaces. (read all at source)
An end of the world dream need not be feared. It may simply be about your own tendency to see the worst? Maybe your fears are unfounded and others keep telling you that you exaggerate the severity of a problem? Perhaps you have been especially gloomy about some major change in your life? (read all at source)
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of the world ending.
Anxiety. Health. Wellness. Freedom. Timidity. Transformed. Pressured. Stable.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)
Dream Quotes: The World of Dreams
by Tom Heffer
Reader Post: 'I never used to take much notice of my dreams until I started seeing a psychologist a few months ago. He asked me about my dreams and I was blown away by the discoveries I made once I started to keep a dream journal. (read all at source)
Trying to find the best of both worlds and finding satisfaction in none.
Hun for your own protection with your heart, make the decision to be just friends and move on to a healthy relationship you can feel secure in. (read all at source)
Actually, this is not such a big claim to make. The vast majority of all dreams sites feature absolutely no dreams at all. They feature lots of dream symbols with vague meanings. (read all at source)
Home -› Dream-Dictionary -› Old world setting
Dream Dictionary
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Bible Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
Old world setting - Past life influences
Open areas - Activity in: heart, circulatory system, emotions; ‘open plan' in house, etc.: heart, circulatory system, emotions
Opera - Expressing emotions... (read all at source)
Hopi World Symbol:
This symbol signifies world to the Hopi The "cosmic cross" or four bars represent north, south, east and west correspond to the outermost points on the horizon where the sun passes through the year; the solstice and equinox points. (read all at source)
A dream featuring the underworld implies that you have acted inappropriately in some area of your life. The underworld also may symbolize your doubts, fears or wrongdoings.
UNDRESS ... (read all at source)
Four: World; earth; creation; creative work; four winds; four seasons; four corners of the earth; rule and reign over the earth; global implications such as east, west, north, south; territorial specific realm implications. (Gen. 2: 10; 41: 34; Rev. 5: 9; 7: 1, 9; 13: 7; Is. 58: 6-10; Ez. (read all at source)
See Inner World - Emotions and Mood in Dreams - Summing Up
Comments... (read all at source)
otherworld. Tribal peoples all over the world transfer "ancestor
energy" through stones called "spirit stones."
storm: Some difficulty in your life. (The ferocity will give a... (read all at source)
Disney World - this setting seems to be a place of fun and leisure
fiancee - love
lowering of head - shy, submissive,vulnerable... (read all at source)
All the world is a stage and we are all actors playing a part. The trick to figuring out this dream... Continue dream interpretation - Stage"continue dream interpretation
Stage Driver
Dream interpretation - Stage Driver... (read all at source)
Natural world. Basic needs and desires. Feeling confined by expectations.
Resolution of problems. Conflicts. Fear of judgment. (read all at source)
1. A new world, a new life, promising new enterprises.
2. Youth, innocence.
3. An upcoming birth in the dreamer's immediate circle. See: Birth
Astrological parallels: Leo. (read all at source)
The world around you. Fear of your private feelings or thoughts being discovered. Being under observation or watched.
Around a person or angelic being: Gives divine meaning to what they represent. Special symbol to get your attention. (read all at source)
End of the World
If you dream about the end of the world (aka "The Apocalypse" or "Judgement Day"), this represents an emotional and dramatic change taking place within yourself. The dream may also indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle and the beginning of another. Also see "Saving the World. (read all at source)
The spiritual world always fixes its orbit upon a straight line, while the material world is fonder of curves. (read all at source)
In the ancient world, people believed that birds resided “up there' with the gods, flying down to Earth to convey messages. What is the message that the bird in your dream is trying to convey? To help you find out, determine what kind of bird it is and what you associate it with. (read all at source)
In the ancient world, the Oracle at Delphi was the place where noblemen, generals and leaders would go to ask the sibyl for a prophecy of the future. This dream may be referencing the fact that your dream is an indication of future conditions or a hint at what may come to pass. (read all at source)
In the Jungian world, lakes and other bodies of water stand for the unconscious or emotions. In one interpretation, the dreamer who dives into a lake is returning to the womb. In another, the dreamer explores the unconscious. (read all at source)
Cultural cues for world-ending dreams come out of a collective angst about the frailty of our planet or the human race. Angst is concerned about what might not be, as in radical non-being of the self, planet, etc. These dreams may be triggered in times of global hopelessness and unpredictability. (read all at source)
the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force Cayce (900-128, A-3). 3. a whole, or well-rounded, approach to things Cayce (900-140, A-6). 4. The oneness of purpose Cayce (900-142, A-1). 5. childhood games Cayce (137-61, A-2). (read all at source)
In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (read all at source)
It is not uncommon that a real-life obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over into your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and role models for certain qualities or the fame and acceptance we want to achieve ourselves. (read all at source)
You may have a crush on this boy and your waking thoughts of him has carried over into the dream world. Your motherly instincts may be taking over.
If you are an adult male and dream that you see or are a boy, then it suggests your playful, innocent, childlike nature. (read all at source)
If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes
If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust him. (read all at source)
Pluto is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon and the ruler of the underworld, or the land of the dead. The kingdom of the dead is located underneath the surface of the earth. (read all at source)
To dream of your hands, represents your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. Perhaps you need to lend out a helping hand to someone. In particular, the left hand symbolizes your graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities. (read all at source)
To dream of a table is a symbolic representation of the world that you live in. You may soon be invited to a conference or other gathering. It further represents the connection you have to family and friends in your waking life. (read all at source)
(5) "Teeth" in the dream world are most often an archetypal image of the dreamer's sense of confidence and competence in the waking world. (read all at source)
" In the modern world, we may not associate the King with ultimate power, knowledge or wisdom. However, historically the mythical King was highly spiritual, was the center of the wheel of life and was said to have a regulatory function in the cosmos. (read all at source)
(A) All symbols, characters, even the landscape and lighting are actually a mirror of your inner world. Dreaming is like the Mind’s Mirror, because everything is a reflection of the dreamer. (read all at source)
Most of the time when we get flying dreams we are flying past the clouds looking down at the world below us and its quite accelerating. Some questions you should ask about the flying dream are: was it difficult to take off? Did take off with ease? Was anybody flying with me? How did I land? (read all at source)
They are from two distinct spheres; the animal mind influenced by the personal world of carnal appetites, and the spiritual mind from the realm of universal Brotherhood, present antagonistic motives on the dream consciousness. (read all at source)
the animal mind influenced by the personal world of carnal appetites,
and the spiritual mind from the realm of universal Brotherhood,
present antagonistic motives on the dream consciousness. If these two
forces were in harmony, the spirit or mental picture from the dream... (read all at source)
Algae are an important source of energy for living things in the world. They are a source of food and oxygen. However, an overgrowth of algae can be ugly and sometimes, toxic. Thus, algae in a dream can represent something that was once positive but now threatens to become negative. (read all at source)
Dreaming of doves mating and building their nests, indicates peacefulness of the world and joyous homes where children render obedience, and mercy is extended to all. To hear the lonely, mournful voice of a dove, portends sorrow and disappointment through the death of one to whom you looked for aid. (read all at source)
Sadly, we live in a world where appearance and attractiveness matter and your teeth help to convey that image. Teeth play an important role in the game of flirtation, whether it be flashing those pearly white, kissing or necking. (read all at source)
For the young to dream of possessinga beautiful canary, denotes high class honors and a successfulpassage through the literary world, or a happy terminationof love's young dream.
To dream one is given you, indicates a welcome legacy. (read all at source)
Dreams are the gateway to an inner world, a world just as real as the one outside .Dreams analysis inform us in a visual language about repressed experiences and other process of the unconscious. (read all at source)
If you seek to use poison on others, you will be guilty of base thoughts, or the world will go wrong for you. For a young woman to dream that she endeavors to rid herself of a rival in this way, she will be likely to have a deal of trouble in securing a lover. (read all at source)
The former seems to be the law of the spiritual world, while the latter would appear to be the law of the material world. Man should not depend alone upon either. Together they proclaim the male and female principle of existence and should find harmonious consummation. (read all at source)
Some believe that people of ancient cultures may not have been intelligent enough to be able to distinguish between the dream world and reality. It is understandable that they may have interpreted the dream world to be the more powerful of the two worlds, with its vivid imagery and uncertain meaning. (read all at source)
The first being Lucifer who is in charge of the religious system, second is Apollyon who is in charge of the world and the attack on us directly and thirdly Pharaoh, who is in charge of the world system and referred to as 'The God of This World'. Les D. (read all at source)
If you are a teenager dreaming of travelling to France and exploring the world, a square can stand for the boring, tedious, day-to-day grind of school that you are forced to deal with. How can you be happy with a square when there are so many more fascinating shapes to explore out there?? (read all at source)
Hands connect us with people, with the world, and are used in creative projects. If emphasized in a dream, consider their position, potential action, and any special decoration for additional clues. (read all at source)
Persephone in Greek mythology, the daughter of Demeter; carried off to Hades, and raped by the king of the Underworld; Demeter refused to let Earth produce its fruits until her daughter was returned; but because Persephone had eaten pomegranate seeds in the Underworld,... (read all at source)
A cube in a dream represents the solid, physical world. If a cube appears in your dream, it can mean that you need to pay more attention to everyday, mundane matters. You may have been neglecting them too much in order to focus on more abstract or spiritual issues. (read all at source)
Tattoo-symbolic of worldliness or pagan rituals, Lev. 19:28
Tax-taxes or a tax notice is symbolic of earthly government, Matt. 17:25
Teacher-symbolic of authority, Ex. 18:20
Tears-symbolic of hurt, pain, broken heartedness, and a longing for God, Ps. 42:3... (read all at source)
To dream that you escape confinement from a jail, or prison, foretells that you will experience a rapid rise in your profession in the business world that surrounds you, a breaking out of the mold sort of progress. (read all at source)
4. The number four means creation, world, testing, all inclusive body of Christ, that which continues into eternity, Kingdom
5. Five, grace, God's goodness, five for the Ministry, five evil Kings
6. Six, weakness of men, evil of satan, man, beast... (read all at source)
To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness will cause broken domestic ties.
For a woman to dream that her neck is thick, foretells that she will become querulous and something of a shrew if she fails to control her temper.
Necklace... (read all at source)
Choose peace. When we shut the chaos of the world out, we are more apt to gain spiritual understanding.
Discern the purpose for every dream. Listen to Spirit for why the dream is given, in order to more fully understand your dream messages. (read all at source)
This is a mighty symbol that tells you about your inner view on the world, and how you act. If God had something to say you must listen carefully, and try to remember what was said for the future. If someone plays God, you idolize a person that is not as good as you think. (read all at source)
To see a cypress tree in your dream, symbolizes death, the underworld, sacrifice and the unconscious.
To see a daffodil in your dream, signifies faith, love, honesty, truth and forgiveness. You are ready to forgive someone. (read all at source)
Harlot / Prostitute - a tempting situation; appealing to your flesh; worldly desire; a demon; spirit of lust; spiritual apostasy
Hijacker - enemy wanting to take control of you or a situation
Husband - Jesus Christ; actual person... (read all at source)
We are made up of many people. As in Shakespeare's words, 'All the world's a stage and we are merely the players.'
Our dreams are our inner stage and we are everything and every character. (read all at source)
Just beautiful, like its only kind in the world. Myself, my husband and oldest son we're in human form but my youngest son was in the form of a snake aswell only much much smaller. Then the massive magnificent snake wanted my son. (read all at source)
Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely the players." Aspects reflect characteristics of the dreamer- the comic, the shy one, the ambitious one, the generous one. Whatever quality the dreamer attaches to that person is the quality of Self being addressed in the dream message. (read all at source)
Attitudes and moods are similar to clothing in this regard, they are the camouflage we hide behind, our face we put on for the world in various situations so we can better cope. Take a look at what you, or other people in your dream are wearing to get even more clues to the dream's meaning. (read all at source)
If the angels are dressed in light clothing and/or appear happy and peaceful, you are in a very good place in your life. You feel at peace with the world around you. almost angelic!... (read all at source)
"A Dream of contrary. Burglars in your dream predict an increase in worldly goods, and if you caught them, it will probably be by way of an inheritance"
The meanings of words such as "Theft", "Steal" etc were not suggested in a manner that fitted in with how you described the dream's events. (read all at source)