word if you remember a spoken word in a dream this is probably a specific message for you; something painful; a promise made to a loved one; a warning; an argument; take back what you said; have the final say; come to the point; be brief; speaking for someone else;... (read all at source)
abandonment, incident, hit, investigate, one-sided, overwhelm, immersed, never-ending, attack, aggravation, orphanage, responsibility, door-to-door, weaker, magnificently, masterminding, hand-to-hand, volunteered, witnessed, making preparations just in case, self preservation,... (read all at source)
Word associations are an agent of many dreams, the dreamer make the dream content carefully. Because many people do not have contact with boars, means "boar" in dreams usually "on" - in the sense of satiety. (read all at source)
Word Origins: Why You Should "Watch" What You Say
We Are All ONE From The Native American Perspective
The Venus Project - New Video!... (read all at source)
The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. Chakra symbols represent the circular centers of energy, and they correspond to the nerve plexuses and organs in the physical nervous system. (read all at source)
The word 'nightmare' refers to an attack by a night demon (the 'mare' being the demon). The 'night mare' was believed to oppress the dreamer.
Today, nightmares are more commonly thought of as dreams, or experiences during sleep, that evoke intense emotions of anxiety and / or fear. (read all at source)
The word chakra means wheel or vortex. There are seven chakras in the human body, each of which is a center of spinning energy. The location of chakras is indicated on the diagram opposite. The first chakra is located at the base of the spine while the seventh is at the crown. (read all at source)
The word aboriginal means the original inhabitants, or the first inhabitants, like the Native Americans, though it has become more commonly associated with the original people of Australia. (read all at source)
The word alcohol is from Arabic decent. It is the cornerstone of many traditions and features in many religious rituals across the world. For this substance to be featured in your dream indicates you are going around in circles trying to come up with a solution. (read all at source)
The word chandelier can also be used in dreams as a pun on channeler so indicates you are a channel.
To dream of a channel means that you too are a channel - you can communicate with spirits. Puns on the word also mean this. For example, the English Channel or Channel Islands. (read all at source)
The word electrocution is not a stand alone and can only be interpreted through the correlation of all remembered aspects of... Continue dream interpretation - Electrocution"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Elephant... (read all at source)
The Word, in the Holy Bible from God says again, in another spot, we can be holy, and need to be Holy, as God is Holy. Holiness starts with us asking God to covered us by the holy blood of the Lamb, who is Jesus, the Son of God. The holy blood of Jesus covers all sin, sin that we should turn from. (read all at source)
The word "angel" literally means "messenger." Often, delivery of a particular message in the dream is the role filled by these beings. As the needs arise, they may provide additional help to the dreamer beyond simply delivering information. (read all at source)
The word 'help' suggests you have information that will be useful. What is it?
You apologise for yourself, suggesting degrading what you know. How are you doing that in your life?
Preaching comes next. Have you been giving advice? If so, what is it, and is it relevant to you too? (read all at source)
The Word also speaks of the Lord having taken Israel as His child:
Ezekiel 16:4 "And [as for] your nativity, in the day you were born your navel was not cut, neither were you washed in water to supple [you]; you were not salted at all, nor swaddled at all. (read all at source)
The word Persona comes from a Latin word that describes a mask used by an actor. The Latin word per sonare means to "sound through." As an aspect of dreaming, the Persona becomes the mask you wear in presenting yourself to the world. (read all at source)
curse word, cursed, cursed crowfoot, cursed with(p), Cursedly, Cursedness, curseperl, Curser, curses, Curship, cursing, Cursitating, Cursitor, cursive, cursively, cursor, cursor dipped in X, Cursorary, Cursores, Cursorial, cursorily, Cursoriness, Cursorius, Cursorius cursor, cursory, curst,... (read all at source)
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Constant Dreams of Adultery: What Does this Mean?
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1) the word/symbol and its meaning in the Universal Language of Mind,
2) more in-depth meaning in the language of mind and possible contexts of the symbol,
3) the physical derivation of the word
4) thoughts to consider. (read all at source)
Enter a word, in whole or partly, in the search box below or click a letter in the alphabetical index to see a clickable list of dream symbols.
Beard :
Beard is a symbol of self-confidence. A woman with beard symbolizes something unpleasant. A goatee symbolize that you must not take any chances. (read all at source)
Axe-Word: Gospel; preaching; exhorting others; rebuke; repentance
(Matthew 3:10; Proverbs 27:17; Ecclesiastes 10:10)
... (read all at source)
Hear the word in a dream - to violence.
Dream Interpretation Birthday May June July August
If you dream you hear the word - you will be devoured by the longing for children. (read all at source)
Hammer-the word of God is a hammer, Jer. 23:29. A mili�tant nation can also be a hammer, Jer. 50:23... (read all at source)
If you see the word "blood" written in your dream, it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed.
To dream of getting a blood clot inside you suggests that you are stuck in a difficult situation and feel powerless to make things better. (read all at source)
Looking for a word that is not in the dream dictionary? Please feel free to suggest a word! Simply go to the forums, sign up and post it Here and tell me about it. (read all at source)
Mirror - God's Word; a person's heart; vanity
Money - gain or loss of favor; power; provision; wealth; spiritual riches; authority; strength of man; covetousness; greed
Check - favor... (read all at source)
* Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream.
* Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in the dream which in turn will bring you to a new dream scene. (read all at source)
Adieu is the French word for goodbye. If you speak French
In a dream, the sea can symbolize the emotions, so an admiral in a dream can represent the part of you that directs the way you navigate through difficult emotions. (read all at source)
However, Sheikh Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi has a completely different concept of dreams involving old women, a concept the author of this book finds more rational, since the Arabic word for old woman is ajouz from ajz, which means 'incapacity' or 'inability. (read all at source)
If we replace the word water with the word emotion, it speaks volumes. For example, if you dream of stormy waters, ask yourself if you’re experiencing tempestuous emotions. When water appears as mist, it may indicate that you’re not seeing things clearly. (read all at source)
With this grand and eternal truth in view, man should ever think kindly of those about him, control his temper in word and action, seek his own, think the best of thoughts, study to relieve the worthy poor, seek solace in the depth of being, and let gentleness and meekness characterize his life. (read all at source)
The word witch is usually used to describe a mean and heartless person, and in your dream you may be making associations in regard to yourself or someone else that fits that description. A witch could also represent power, magic, and goodness. (read all at source)
The ancient British fertility goddess Oestre, from whose name we get our word Easter, had a pet hare that laid its egg every Spring Equinox so that life would spread throughout the world. (read all at source)
If the thief is known to the owner of the house, it means that he will benefit from his knowledge, his trade, a good word of wisdom, or from someone's advice. (read all at source)
Even today, a word is frequently repeated three times to give it particular significance. It is still customary to knock on wood three times to avert disaster.
Seven is a dynamic number. The week has seven days, the rainbow has seven colors and the lunar cycle is 28 days( a multiple of seven). (read all at source)
The show was about a group of kids who befriended a nice ghost, but the ghost could only communicate through the written word; i.e. a computer-typed sentence, a book, writing on the wall, etc. (read all at source)
If you have a word or dream symbol you need information on before we get to THAT letter, e-mail me and I'll be more than glad to help you out. Also, use the search box on the website to search for the word you're looking for. It may have been used on the site already within a dream interpretation. (read all at source)
The word night "mare" has been derived from the word incubus. In Greek it was ephialtes, in Latin incubus, in German mar/mare, in Old English maire, Old Norse mara, Old Irish mar/mor, and all mean "one who leaps on, oppresses or crushes."... (read all at source)
A letter, such as "A" or "W," might represent a word that starts with that letter, a person whose name begins with that letter, a feeling you get from that particular letter, the shape of the letter, or almost anything. Consider what comes to mind when you think of the particular letter. (read all at source)
archetypes: Carl Jung used this word to express something that he observed in human nature in terms of common themes in dreams. He perceived it as something in the psyche not personally created, but more a genetic bequeathment as in something from the collective unconscious. (read all at source)
The word north was repeated and if you always walked north then the monsters wouldn't get you but it was a maze of rooms and you couldnt always walk northly direction. (read all at source)
Disease top list
The word disease literally means out of ease. Before you begin to interpret this dream on a psychological or metaphysical level, first check your health. The dream could refer to physical or emotional health. See also: Illness... (read all at source)
Such is life. People fall through on everything they say. The spoken word is never taken seriously.
It has gotten so that when someone says something, it goes in one ear and out the other because of my past experiences. Your interpretation is right on.
Reply Link... (read all at source)
For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by-word if she is not discreet in her actions.
To dream of roasting coffee, for a young woman it denotes escape from evil by luckily marrying a stranger. (read all at source)
To see a mailman in your dream, symbolizes your communications with others. You need to get the word out about something.
To dream that you are a mailman, suggests that a message is being channeled to you from your unconscious. Pay close attention to the message of this dream.
Makeup... (read all at source)
You will rule absolutely in all lines of your business affairs and your word will be law in the home.
To see many elephants, could denote tremendous prosperity. One lone elephant, signifies you will live in a small but solid way. (read all at source)
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To see corn in your dream represents prosperity,development, and productivement. , It may be a play on the word "corny". Perhaps some experience or matter in your life seems silly or doesn't make sense. (read all at source)
With several pages of blank paper, re-read the dream and then start writing anything that comes to mind. Write every word, whether it makes sense or seems to pertain to the dream. No one will read this but you. Prompt yourself with questions like the following, and see what insights come forward:... (read all at source)
Understanding the definition of a word may provide clues to its symbolic meaning. Look it up at
hyperdictionary... (read all at source)
A dream of an evergreen - especially the word itself - may be a metaphor. To be 'ever green' indicates wealth or at least financial stability. An evergreen or pine tree might symbolize hope or even immortality. A decorated evergreen or Christmas tree suggests giving or receiving gifts. (read all at source)
Fantasy is perhaps the wrong word. Its more about how you are motivating yourself for the challenges ahead. Of course you want things to go well. Its not such a bad thing - not really delusional. We need to picture success and often good thoughts help us achieve success. (read all at source)
To dream of riding an elephant, interpret that you will possess wealth of the most solid character, and honors which you will wear with dignity. You will rule absolutely in all lines of your business affairs and your word will be law in the home. (read all at source)
In Freudian symbolic, a phallic symbol, so rowing would symbolize sexual intercourse. Masculine strength dipping into the waters of the feminine; consciousness dipping into intuition or the unconscious; a traditional symbol of creative thought and the cosmic word. (read all at source)
To dream that you are avoiding a person in your dream, suggest that you are not confronting some aspect of yourself. Consider what aspects and characteristics of the person you are avoiding which you are not recognizing in yourself. Alternatively, this word may also be a pun for "a void" in your... (read all at source)
Invitaton To dream about a written or printed invitation foretells a period of depression or boredom coming, but a dream about getting an invitation by word of mouth forecasts an increase in social activity. (read all at source)
Not long ago, my current husband called my eldest daughter a very nasty word and has since been going to anger management. However, my daughters father become very angry with knowing he called her a name and told her that when he saw my current husband he was going to do something bad to him. (read all at source)