Werewolf-symbolic of people whose actions and attitudes can turn them into a monster. A werewolf can also be a spiritual enemy
West (see directions)
Whale-symbolic of running from God, or being devoured by a large problem, Jon. 1:17... (read all at source)
This 'werewolf' anxiety is a fairly common ingredient in literature. It is nearly always a consequence of repressed instinct, usually sexual.
In a woman's dream it may symbolize male sexuality seen as threatening. Perhaps the dreamer needs to come to terms with her own sexuality. (read all at source)
Dogs can represent the idea of unconditional love. The wolf has more of an association with roaming and freedom. Dreaming of a wolf can represent how you are exploring relationships and the idea of unconditional love that can be best expressed when integrated with the idea of freedom. (read all at source)
To see a werewolf in your dream, indicates that something in your life is not what it seems. To dream that you are a werewolf, suggests that some aspects of your personality are hurtful and even dangerous to your own well-being. You are headed down an undesirable path. (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
A werewolf is a creature that does not exist in the physical world. He is symbolic of a man that turns into a monster, a normal person that transforms into a bloodthirsty animal. (read all at source)
werewolf: Repressed instincts or uncontrollable instincts.
west: An ending. The direction from which darkness comes; the unknown, the subconscious and the place of self-discovery. One might ask of any of the four directions, "Where am I heading? (read all at source)
Magpie - a witch, a werewolf / something you suspect. Lots of chirping - expect guests.
New family dream book
Forty dream to big disappointments and quarrels. Seeing such a dream, consider their good deeds and sayings to unwittingly cause harm to others. (read all at source)
Example dream : A werewolf killing dream symbolised a highly intense argument the day before with the dreamers wife. The werewolf was a symbol of her transformation from someone quite pleasant into someone openly showing anger. (read all at source)
It is a symbol of intelligence and courage, but it is also the devourer of children, the werewolf, a demon from Hell. In dreams, the wolf acquires the importance that we attribute to it. It is often a part of the self, positive or negative. (read all at source)
- Dream symbols - werewolf orgy
- King monster chasing and killing dream analysis
- Friend watches me and opponent duel dream interpretation
- Dream symbols - werewolf brutally kills friend
- Misheard woman - dream analysis
- Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son... (read all at source)
enchantress, Euryale, Gorgon, griffin, Harpy, hippocampus, Hydra, Loch Ness monster, Medea, mermaid, merman, Minotaur, nixie, ogre, ogress, Pegasus, Python, roc, salamander, satyr, Scylla, sea horse, sea serpent, siren, spellbinder, Sphinx, Stheno, Talos, troll, Typhon, unicorn, vampire, werewolf,... (read all at source)
Think of what comes to mind when you think of a werewolf. Some possibilities might be:
Aggression or attack
Feeling out of control
Wildness or chaos... (read all at source)