Sleeping bag-symbolic of travel or not having a permanent home, Jer. 10:17
Slingshot-symbolic of fighting spiritual enemies, 1 Sam. 17:50... (read all at source)
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Sleeping bag-symbolic of travel or not having a permanent home, Jer. 10:17
Slingshot-symbolic of fighting spiritual enemies, 1 Sam. 17:50... (read all at source)
To see a sleeping bag in your dream, represents warmth and protection. You are expressing a desire to slowly explore the realm of your unconscious.
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Go on a journey that will be prosperous. If your bag or sleeping bag were very full, then in reality you will bring with them not only a lot of gifts, but also many pleasant experiences.
Dream Interpretation Danilova... (read all at source)
sleepiness, sleeping around, Sleeping Bag, Sleeping Beauty, sleeping capsule, sleeping car, sleeping draught, sleeping hibiscus, sleeping partner, sleeping pill, sleeping room, sleeping sickness, sleeping tablet, sleeping(a)
Dream Dictionary
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