Time Travel dream interpretations
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The famous E=MC2, the equation for the Theory of Relativity, is now synonymous with the name Albert Einstein. This theory, among other things, asserts that time travel is possible when energy and mass are equivalent and transmutable. (read all at source)
To see you time traveling in dreams is a common occurrence and many of us have had this. However, there is hardly any time machine kind of thing involved. Rather, you see yourself in a situation from the past or future. (read all at source)
Time Travel
A dream about time travel symbolizes a desire to get away from things as they are. You might wish to move backward, but a move forward could mean that all your dreams will come true. The dream also symbolizes a passionate and amorous essence. (read all at source)
Time Travel
To dream about time travel, indicates your wish to escape from your present reality. You want to go back into the past or jump forward to the future to a period where your hopes are realized. This type also represents your romantic nature or your desire to romanticize everything. (read all at source)
Time travel dreams to historical events can reflect a need for discovery and exploration. (read all at source)
Example dream : Time travel in medieval times in one dream linked to the dreamer becoming highly engrossed in a DVD drama set in medieval times. The medieval times symbolised his interest in that time period which were being brought to life in a TV drama he was watching. (read all at source)
For countless thousands of people, they have also been a time travel machine through which glimpses of the past and future were given - or a means of realising that consciousness can roam free of the physical body and witness events at a distance. (read all at source)
astronaut getting away fast; ungrounded; spending more time traveling in inner space; needing to protect yourself from something in your environment. Who is the 'space cadet'? (read all at source)
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Time travel is a common dream event. There is rarely a time machine involved. Rather, the dream story simply unfolds in another era of time, past or future. These dreams often represent either the romance or hopes we attribute to moments other than our present. (read all at source)